Well, friends, I am home. The return trip was blessedly uneventful. My last night in Europe was spent at the Sofitel in Athens, in what is the most comfortable bed I have ever experienced. I was only sorry I didn't have more time to enjoy it.
Once again I transferred through Frankfurt. This time I was struck by how much closer to home it felt, in comparison to Greece. There is more English and the feel is more west than mediterranean, if that makes sense. When I passed through on my way to Rome it felt completely foreign, so I guess my point of reference changed somewhere in those two weeks.
The flight from Frankfurt to Denver was 10 1/2 hours. That's the longest single flight I've ever experienced. It was something. I happened to be sitting behind Baby Row, so was thankful that I only had myself to worry about and not an infant as well.
And what a glorious sight awaited me in Denver! Mom, driving Dora, with Rosie in the seat next to her, sporting a fetching little Christmas collar. I'm thankful for the opportunity to travel and happy, happy to be home.
Merry Christmas!
Rosie and I look quite handsome in our black, grey, and red!