Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 1

I can see that I need to be more organized. I'm sitting in the ISA Office in Rome where I have free wireless. I took pictures today and would like to post some, but my camera cord is back at the hotel.

So far, so good. My body is all out of whack, so hopefully it will catch up soon. I woke up at 2am this morning and couldn't fall back asleep. I think it was around 4am when I finally did. Fortunately, I didn't have an appointment until 10am.

I met the ISA staff and toured the American University of Rome. It's windy and gray here today, which everyone says is unusual. I had my first real Italian meal for lunch--it was delicious! Ravioli, Sardegna style, plus salad and a pear & cinnamon dessert. I really needed a real meal. Since I got in late last night and slept through the hotel breakfast, I've pretty much been running on crackers that I packed along. Things almost got ugly during the University tour when we got to the library. They had the furnace cranked, and suddenly it was a hundred degrees and this man was talking about open source databases and everything got all swimmy and I nearly threw up (Jaime, I know you're laughing at me). Anyway, they got me some water and I sat down and made it through without incident. Now that I've had a proper meal I'm feeling much better.

I'm going now to see one of the student apartments, and then to meet with students. More later!

1 comment:

  1. We're so glad you are there safely! Now you make sure you are eating properly! (that's from Grammy). We feel like we're along for the ride :)
